If you are looking for list of some top YouTube channels on Indian Stock Market, then you are at right place. We are going to discuss list of Top 10 YouTube Channels to Learn Stock Market in India one by one with all required details about each channel.
Learning Stock Market is a never ending process and you must have read lots of article on how to start investing in stock market and most of them emphasis on starting with goods books and videos. Now the point is where to find good videos on stock market.
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and here you can find videos on any topic. But to figure out the best YouTube Channels for Stock Market Learning is still a tedious job.
We have done all the research for you and here is the list of Top 10 YouTube Channels to Learn Stock Market in India.
Top 10 YouTube Channels in India on Stock Market Learning
Channel Name: Pranjal Kamra
Total Subscriber: 2.44 Millions (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: Pranjal Kamra is a famous Indian Stock Market YouTuber. Pranjal Kamra’s Finology is now a well-known brand. Pranjal Kamra’s video are most popular among the beginners who are searching videos on YouTube to learn stock market.
Mr. Pranjal is successfully running Finology and recently launched finology ticker – Screener. Channel uploads videos on value investing, stock analysis and behavioural finance.
Since: May 2011
Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/pranjalkamra
Channel Name: Convey to Finnovationz.com
Total Subscriber: 1.44 Million (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: Finnovationz.com Channel is one of the best channel for videos related to Investment & Stock Market Tutorial. Videos on this channel are very informative and present in very interesting way with use of animations.
They have a big fan following not only on YouTube but also on Telegram, Instagram and Facebook. Finnovationz.com uploads video related to business news, investment and stock market tutorials
Since: Jan, 2014
Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/finnovationz
Channel Name: Investaru official
Total Subscriber: 1.43 Lakhs (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: Now let’s talk about our YouTube Channel “Investaru Official”.
Investaru uploads videos to teach Stock Market Investing. Learning made so easy that you start getting confidence to invest your own
Investaru through its learning & educational videos helps beginners and young investors in their journey of creating wealth through Stock Market.
Since: June, 2018
Channel Link: www.youtube.com/investaruofficial
Channel Name: Rachana Ranade
Total Subscriber: 2.27 Million (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: Rachana Ranade runs this channel. She is one of the famous Youtuber who make videos on Fundamental Analysis of Stocks.
CA Rachana’s aim is to improve financial literacy in India and to enable people to learn about stock markets in the most simplified way.
Since: Jul, 2011
Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/rachanaphadke/featured
Channel Name: Nitin Bhatia
Total Subscriber: 9.02 Lakhs (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: Nitin Bhatia is all time famous Indian Stock Market YouTuber, who has deep knowledge of not only Stock Market but also expertise in field of Personal Finance and Real estate. Nitin Bhatia Channel is a great channel which covers all topics on personal finance through videos. This channel uploads video on Stocks, Real Estate and Personal Finance.
This channel is very famous among active traders and investors want to learn stock market in India.
Since: Jan, 2015
Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/nitinbhatia
Channel Name: Sunil Minglani
Total Subscriber: 7.21 Lakhs (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: This channel is also very popular among stock market learners. This channel uploads videos on Stock Analysis, Stock Market Tutorial and Technical Charts. Due to very informative videos it is one of the best YouTube channel to learn share market in India
Since: Nov, 2014
Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/thesunilminglani
Channel Name: Parimal Ade
Total Subscriber: 2.30 Lakhs (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: Mr. Parimal Ade is having deep knowledge of Indian Stock Market. He is also run a well know advisory firm “Investyadnya.in”. At this channel you can get great videos on different quality stocks listed on Indian Stock Exchange. Mr. Parimal regular upload videos on Fundamental Analysis of different companies.
Since: Launched somewhere in 2020
Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/ParimalAde/featured
Channel Name: ProCapital.MohdFaiz
Total Subscriber: Not Disclosed
About Channel: This channel is not limited to only stock specific actions but uploads videos on technical analysis, news based stocks, Stock Market general videos.
Since: Nov, 2017
Channel Link: ProCapital.MohdFaiz YouTube Channel
Channel Name: Sahil Bhadviya
Total Subscriber: 1.52 Lakhs (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: This channel uploads videos on fundamental analysis of individual stocks as well as stock market learning
Since: Aug, 2019
Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/SahilBhadviya/featured
Channel Name: Trade brains
Total Subscriber: 34800 (as on 26.04.2021)
About Channel: Trade brains uploads videos on stock market learning and personal finance. They have a very popular blog tradebrains.in
Since: Aug, 2017
Channel Link: Trade Brains YouTube Channel
So, this is the list of 10 Best YouTube Channels to learn stock market in India. There are other channels also available on YouTube, who are also doing fabulous job for stock market beginners and we will later come up with some other channels on our website.