Astral Ltd Q1FY25 Results Key Highlights
- Q1 Consolidated Revenue up 7% and Net Profit was flat
- EBITDA Margins 16.4% from 16.7%
- Plumbing Volume growth is 16.4% YoY
- During the quarter PVC / CPVC RM prices were highly volatile.
- Polymer prices are fluctuating in range of 10% to 20%. Pre-covid this fluctuation was just 1% to 2%. Due to such high fluctuation Mgt requested to consider results on yearly basis (full year) rather than quarterly basis.
- In Q1 Bathware registered sale of Rs.26.2 Cr and growth of 90% YoY.
- Company’s Hyderabad plant has started trial production and going to start commercial production by end of Aug 2024
- “Astral Paint” is launched in Gujarat & Karnataka, will open in more states in phase wise manner.
- Additional cost incurred due to hiring of Manpower for new plants & new verticals. During this quarter company spend additional Rs.20 Cr compared to last year on brand building and promotion during IPL, Exhibitions, trade promotion, Astral Paint Launch etc.
- Cash Position is Rs.552 Cr.
- Capex guidance for full year is Rs.350 Cr